Monday, September 30, 2019

Features of School Management Software

Are you looking out to improve the performance of your students? 
Today’s schools set high standards and attempt to raise the “goal post” to create a great brand? They seriously consider the options of investing in school management software like the EDUMAAT product.
Why EDUMAAT – School Management Software?
Edumaat- the School Management Software is a 360-degree tool to have a complete view of the school’s performance. It provides all functions for managing all the aspects of the school’s operations. You can have an eagle’s eye view of student’s performance, staff performance, course management, fees collection, school administration, parent’s participation, and much more.
Let us have a look at the essential features of the Edumaat product.
Fees Management:
This module covers course details with information on faculty, course fees, course pre-requisites, start dates, and duration, etc. It also has an option to pay the costs online. It takes care of every aspect of fees management.
User Management:
User management module gives roles-based access controls for Students, Parents, faculty, staff, school administration and the library staff as well as any other stakeholder category.
Course Management:
Course Management allows faculty to configure and post class materials such as core syllabus and handouts. It also enables the students to publish their papers and other assignments.
This module is designed to keep track of the student admission and registration process for both existing and new students. It stores their pertinent details, previous schooling information, school transfer certificates and birth certificates with their photograph among important information.
You can also keep track of prospectus sale, refundable security deposit, one-time registration fee, etc.
Examination Results and Student Performance Management:
In this module, you can set up examinations; examination marks entry, internal/external exams, theory/practical test, teacher-wise internal assessment, automatic result preparation and print mark sheets. Along with the data, it can be used to measure growth, uncover problems and achieves better outcomes for students.
Other Modules:
The other modules include student/parent functionality, staff/faculty/university admin functionalities, library management, e-library functionality, customizable reporting options and much more.
Options and interfaces:
There is an option to interface Edumaat with Tally, SAP B1 for accounting, payroll, attendance and leaves, and HRMS.
We would be happy to provide a working demo of a model school and display the features of Edumaat.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A New Word Of Possibilities with EDUMAAT

Yesterday in my post, The Future of Education – EDUMAAT, I have chosen to briefly declare the power of EDUMAAT within one page. Many of my friends called me up and also commented that, if I have to do any justice to EDUMAAT, some advanced features in this technology has to be explained. So I have decided to do that in a series of articles. Today we shall see how the power of analytics is used in EDUMAAT to impart the wisdom of self-realisation within the students so that it paves the way for their improvements.
We believe that exams are the final result of the student’s ability or performance, but it need not be. Every student who wanted to learn comes with imagination to achieve greatness. If he has known how he performs and how his final exam results are likely to be if he continues at the same level of performance, he has a chance to improve or do a course correction that will enable him to achieve the desired results. EDUMAAT does exactly the same. It has the ability to predict and recommend to the student of their future potential.
Historically, student reporting has come from the Student Information System. This has provided a variety of methods to extract data over several years, but each has brought its challenges. Student Information and Analytics (SIA) in EDUMAAT,  produces an effective service to report from the System and to provide consistently accurate information.
Student Analytics is an innovative new reporting service, which will provide valuable insight into applicant and students.  EDUMAAT – SIA supplies a comprehensive suite of prebuilt dashboards for colleges, faculties and central administration, Students and their parents.
Student Analytics delivers:
  • fast and efficient reporting
  • easy access to a large standardised data set
  • convenient access to reports through your web browser
Dashboards present a selection of flexible related analyses, with changeable parameters allowing you to select periods of time and groups to compare across different cohorts.
Student data in the form of exam results have been used in the past to evaluate the performance of individual departments within universities and student outcomes. Today EDUMAAT is taking this one step further, using real-time data on student attendance, frequency of access to the university’s virtual learning environment (VLE), their classroom performance, assignment performance and level of contact with tutors. This is helping to improve student retention and results, as well as ensuring courses are better run.
EDUMAAT -SIA is an advanced tool for measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for the purposes of understanding and optimising learning and the environments in which it occurs.
All universities have access to student data through their record systems and learning environments. Presented in a manageable way, this data can be used to predict attainment, to readily identify issues and to implement the appropriate early intervention strategies that will enhance the student performance and institutes research advancements.
Data vs. human
It is important to remember that while data can be very useful, human skills are still required to interpret and apply the information in a useful way. One-to-one meetings between a lecturer and a student can uncover details that data analysis alone would be unable to provide. EDUMAAT seeks to do that within the SIA itself with a student-lecturer connect chat rooms. This will enable the students and the lecturer to have good communication between them which enables a better learning platform altogether.
A clear institution-wide policy on the role of data drawn from student analytics should be agreed at the onset. Data typically draws on information that is easy to measure, for example, it can confirm that a student has taken a book, but not if they have read it.
The future
Student analytics is an important development in higher education as, in an increasingly competitive market, the potential for using data to improve services, student retention and student success is clearly evident. EDUMAAT seeks to give the maximum possible information and analytical insights into the student’s and institutes performances against their KPIs to drive early intervention strategies that will give desired final results.
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